Argylle (12A)

Popcorn and clapper board on a red background, film
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Event Description

Reclusive author Elly Conway writes best-selling espionage novels about a secret agent named Argylle who’s on a mission to unravel a global spy syndicate. However, when the plots of her books start to mirror the covert actions of a real-life spy organization, the line between fiction and reality begin to blur.

Cert: 12A

Running time: 2hrs 13mins

AD Audio Description available

DS Descriptive Subtitles: Monday 19 February, 7.45pm

Show Times:
*Please note: Film starts at advertised time*
Saturday 17 February at 7.45pm
Sunday 18 February at 3pm
Monday 18 February at 7.45pm (with Descriptive Subtitles)
Tuesday 20 February at 7.45pm
Thursday 22 February at 4pm

Evenings: £8.50/£9.50 (Premium seats)
Mornings and matinees: £7.50/£8.50 (Premium seats)
Concessions and members discounts apply

Thursday 22 February 2024


Malvern Theatres


Malvern Theatres

WR14 3HB

01684 892277

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