Euridice, My Fair (Free Lunchtime Concert)

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Event Description

Florence Price, chorister at Great Malvern Priory from 2012 – 2022, will be performing a selection of 17th century English songs recounting stories from ancient Greece. Florence will be performing alongside Daniel Marles (tenor) and Elizabeth Pallett (lute). This concert is Florence’s way of saying thank you for the support and encouragement she has had over the years from the Junior Choir under Piers Maxim. A post-concert reception will also be held with tea and homemade cake. We hope you can join us.

Admission to this concert is free. A retiring collection will be held at the end of the concert to raise funds for the Junior Choristers at Great Malvern Priory.

Friday 6 September 2024


Great Malvern Priory