Event Description
We start with a short visit to the imposing 12 C Abbey, noting its Benedictine heritage, its long nave, the Romanesque tower and the fine Medieval stained glass.
We walk the battlefield, and consider the pivotal event in the War of the Roses i.e. the Battle of Tewksbury in 1471. After reviewing the background events we consider the tactics and deployments of the Lancastrian and Yorkists armies. We walk through the key positions and events which shaped the outcome of the Battle.
Returning to the town we reach the bank of the river Avon, and follow a route with many historical features, before arriving back to the Abbey.
No stiles.
Distance: 3 miles
Duration: 3 hours including Abbey Visit
Difficulty: Easy
Date: 26 May
Start time: 10:00 am
Walk leader: Bob Baldwin
Start location: Tewkesbury Abbey main entrance
Church Strret
GL20 5RZ
Grid reference: SO 891326
What3Words: Unknown
Further details:
Several pay and display car parks within 200 metres of the abbey