How To Make Millions Before Grandma Dies (PG)

Popcorn and clapper board on a red background, film
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Event Description

A young man quits his job and goes to great lengths to look after his dying grandmother, but it is not out of love that he takes on the role of devoted grandson but in order to inherit a substantial inheritance worth millions.

Cert:  PG

Language:  Thai with English Subtitles

Evenings:  £9/£10 (Premium seats)
Mornings and matinees:  £8/£9 (Premium seats)
Concessions and members discounts apply

Show Times:
Saturday 12 January at 6:30pm
Tuesday 14 January at 11am
Thursday 16 January at 4:30pm

Thursday 16 January 2025


Malvern Theatres


Malvern Theatres

WR14 3HB

01684 892277

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