The Boys in the Boat (12A)

Popcorn and clapper board on a red background, film
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Event Description

During the height of the Great Depression, members of the rowing team at the University of Washington get thrust into the spotlight as they compete for gold at the 1936 Olympics in Berlin.

Cert: 12A

Running time: 2hrs 4mins

AD Audio Description available

DS Monday 22 January, 7.45pm

Show Times:
*Please note: Film starts at advertised time*
Friday 19 January at 7.45pm
Saturday 20 January at 4.30pm
Sunday 21 January at 6.30pm
Monday 22 January at 7.45pm (with Descriptive Subtitles)
Tuesday 23 January at 11am
Thursday 25 January at 4.30pm

Evenings: £8.50/£9.50 (Premium seats)
Mornings and matinees: £7.50/£8.50 (Premium seats)
Concessions and members discounts apply

Saturday 20 January 2024


Malvern Theatres


Malvern Theatres

WR14 3HB

01684 892277

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