Event Description
Torn apart from her sister and her children, Celie faces many hardships in life, including an abusive husband. With support from a sultry singer named Shug Avery, as well as her stand-her-ground stepdaughter, Celie ultimately finds extraordinary strength in the unbreakable bonds of a new kind of sisterhood.
Cert: 15
Running time: 2hrs 33mins
AD Audio Description available
DS Descriptive Subtitles: Monday 12 February, 7.45pm
Show Times:
*Please note: Film starts at advertised time*
Friday 9 February at 7.45pm
Saturday 10 February at 7.45pm
Sunday 11 February at 3pm
Monday 12 February at 7.45pm (with Descriptive Subtitles)
Tuesday 13 February at 11am & 7.45pm
Thursday 15 February at 7.45pm
Evenings: £8.50/£9.50 (Premium seats)
Mornings and matinees: £7.50/£8.50 (Premium seats)
Concessions and members discounts apply