The Wonderful Wye Countryside (Malvern Walking Festival)

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Event Description

DISTANCE: 10 miles
DURATION: 5 hours
DATE: 30 May 2024
START TIME: 10:00am
WALK LEADER: Kate Loxton
COST: £5

The walk starts at Hampton Bishop and following the river Wye heads toward Mordiford, passing the confluence of the river Lugg and the Wye. We cross the oldest surviving bridge in Herefordshire dating back to c1352

Mordiford is known for the legend of the Mordiford Dragon which would come down from Haugh Wood to drink from the confluence of the Lugg & Wye (information boards on the village green).

We continue on to climb Marians Hill and cross fields to Priors Frome where we will stop to take in the views across the floodplain towards Lugwardine and Hereford.

We then descend towards Longworth Bridge and return across the Hampton Meadow back towards Hampton Bishop.

Suitable footwear needed.

No shop or garage so please bring adequate refreshment – bring a packed lunch.

For further details and to book a place click HERE

Thursday 30 May 2024

